On the destructive nature of humanity

As Autistic people, we are uniquely wired to find the truest forms of beauty in the world. Our eyes can catch every detail of the rainbow in the mist of water, or the delicate complexity of a spiders web. Still, many of us bring havoc, wilfully and determinedly breaking that which should bring us comfort.

No human is above their destructive nature. Autistic and allistic alike.

There is a darkness in humanity, it is inherent in our destructive tendencies. Humans consume beauty, and excrete ruin. Never has this been more prevalent to me than in the bigotry I see in the world. Bigotry that I strongly believe is rooted in ableism.

One might look to more inclusive minds for hope, yet still they harbour thoughts that contribute to oppressive behaviours and attitudes. What hope then for Homo Sapiens when our greatest minds can not tear out the weeds at their root?

Even as I write this, I am aware of my own internal biases, and aware that I am unaware of many more.

The diversity of our world and society is where the truest forms of beauty lay, and yet mankind threatens to destroy that beauty in the name of personal gain, a gluttonous need to horde an abstract concept in a significantly less abstract vault (often unaware that the vault hasn’t existed for years).

The human race will sooner destroy itself than embrace difference.

We, the different, are marked for eradication, while those deemed to continue the status quo decide which of us are worthy of life.

All that is good decays, while we (the so called apex predators) quibble over what deserves preservation.

If we are to survive, the different must unite, and fight the rising tide of ‘sameness’ culture.